Jonathan Walton is InterVarsity’s New York City Urban Project Director. Jonathan has worked to call students and volunteers to put their faith into concrete, sustainable action for the last 7 years, first as a member of World Vision’s Speaker’s Bureau and now as Director of InterVarsity’s NYCUP. He is the author of three books of poetry and short stories. The latest, “Legal: The First 21-Years” is available at all booksellers. Walton is available to speak on a variety of topics, not limited but including: the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the arts and faith, “hard questions about God,” justice and poverty, creative activism and strategic development. Presently, he lives with his wife, Priscilla, in Jackson Heights and looks forward to making Queens as much like Brodnax, Virginia as possible. Walton is also available to teach poetry workshops and guest lecture at every level (references upon request). After much prayer and consideration, Walton has made a 20-year commitment to his service to God and those who have yet to know Him.