Appendix 5b: Sample Letter B

[Today’s Date]

Dear _________________,

I hope this letter finds you enjoying a busy and fun-filled winter!

I am very excited to share with you the opportunity God has given me for this coming summer. I am going to work in Chicago with the Chicago Urban Program this (CUP) this June. This is a summer urban missions program in Chicago sponsored by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, an inter-denominational ministry among college students. The basic purpose of CUP is to show students like me God’s love for the poor and the oppressed in the cities of our world. Through working among people from different contexts, I hope to discover his call for me in his kingdom.

After spending the past few years at Northwestern, I have become convinced that God wants me to look into urban missions. More than half the world’s population lives in cities, and over 80% of urban dwellers are poor. The majority of those who are poor in our world’s cities know little to nothing of the good news about the Kingdom that Jesus came to inaugurate.

While the mission of CUP is exciting and I am personally ready to go, I cannot leave until my financial support is raised. I need to raise $1650 by May 30th. This covers training, room and board. All financial gifts will be tax-deductible.

Perhaps you feel that you could contribute to my mission. I ask that you consider giving whatever you can depending on your own budget and the Lord’s leading. If 10 people give $100 each, and 10 people giving $50 each, and 5 people give $25 each I will meet my goal of $1,650. I'll be calling you to answer any questions you may have.

If you do choose to support me now, simply send the enclosed envelope with your gift back to me. All checks should be made out to InterVarsity. I will then send the checks to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. If possible, please reply before April 30th, when my support level will be reviewed.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.  May God bless you richly.


[Your name and address]