Summer TCUP is a six week long urban discipleship experience designed for college students to learn more about urban ministry, ethnic identity and reconciliation, compassion, team building and servant leadership. We know that your pursuit of these issues will help you grow spiritually and be a more effective witness for Jesus Christ on campus and beyond.
You will:
Serve at local ministries and organizations doing meaningful work in the community including children programs, food justice/urban gardening, economic development, and community organizing.
Learn from church and community leaders about reconciliation, living simply, cultural competencies, and how to engage systems of injustice.
Study scripture to better understand a Biblical perspective of justice and God’s heart for all people.
Be in community with others.
Practice spiritual disciplines, being peace makers, and being a faithful witnesses to the gospel.
See where God is at work in Minneapolis.
You will grow:
In Christ through developing healthy spiritual rhythms of scripture study, prayer and other spiritual disciplines. Spending time in communal scripture study and worshiping at local churches.
Like Christ through practicing the compassion and care Christ showed those who sought him out and learning how to be speak out against injustice and show mercy.
With Christ through serving in the community, and sharing a gospel that is good news to the one that hears it.
Dates and program information to know For Summer 2017
March 1, 2017: Student applications due w/$200 deposit
April 8, 2017 2:00-4:00pm: MPD 101 session (webinar)
Saturday June 24th - Tuesday August 8: Program dates
Cost: $1,750 per student to be fundraised as a team
Contact Leya Didur for applications and more information