Agency Perspective on Working with Urban Program Students

Agency perspective on working with Urban Program students and other volunteer groups

from Jeremy Main (St. Louis)

What concerns do agencies have about working with volunteer groups?

  • Agencies have different postures toward volunteer groups: Some need them, some accept & utilize them if offered, and some are hesitant or unable to accept them.
  • Safety of volunteers
  • Mistakes by volunteers
  • Complaining or insubordination
  • Pejorative attitudes of volunteers that get scored against the agency
  • They are inefficient in terms of work accomplished and can cost the agency money.
  • Have volunteers been screened?

What contributes to a good experience for all?

  • Communication and follow-through
  • A good orientation
  • Don’t expect the agency to change
  • Meaningful work, no make-work!
  • Stress the context
  • Volunteers who pay attention, ask questions and take initiative.

How can an urban project director cultivate good relationship with an agency?

  • Have face-face interactions
  • Be open and honest about hopes and expectations
  • Be proactive: ask questions
  • Strive for long-term relationship
  • Follow through on agreements
  • Debrief, discuss and evaluate the UP experience from both sides
  • Prepare your students for service at the agency
  • Take a genuine interest in the mission of the agency and the life of the director.

What can an urban project director do to prepare students?

  • Have the agency help prepare them for ministry appropriate to the context
  • Help your students understand the philosophy of the agency
  • Cultivate a servant heart in your students – expect it.
  • Help them form realistic expectations about what they’ll be doing.

What can an urban project director do to help an agency director understand urban projects?

  • Meet face-to-face. Share the vision, including our desired outcomes. Connect to IV.
  • Invite the agency director to your turf, e.g., campus fellowship prior to.
  • Memorandum of Understanding