If the facility requires proof of InterVarsity's insurance, you can request a certificate of insurance as proof of coverage. Just let your Regional Director/Regional contract administrator know. They can then request the certificate of insurance on the contract submission page.
Provide the facility contact's name, address, phone, and email, and the certificate of insurance requirements, which will be pasted on the contract submission page.
Some facitilies will request that they be listed as "Additional Insured" under InterVarsity's insurance policy. This is not something our insurance provider will agree to unless the contract includes extra indemnity language.
If this is required by the facility, email the Legal Department (legal.support@intervarsity.org) to request a contract with the correct indemnity language
The Safe Harbors Template Contracts include the required indemnity language. Using the template will make this process simpler
However, if possible, it is much, much simpler to just provide a Certificate of Insurance. If at all possible, try to have the facility agree to the simple proof of insurance (the certificate of insurance)